A New Commandment I Give You

Jesus’ merciful love, manifested in his washing of the Apostles’ feet, as Benedict XVI has written, is the “basin in which he cleanses us.” This need to be completely dependent on Jesus’ mercy and love is meant to be continued in the life of the Church Catholic, Christ’s Body on earth, as sacrament and example, received and shared: for there is still much filth to be washed clean in this broken world.

We Are His People and the Sheep of His Pasture

The Eucharistic Celebration is the greatest and highest act of prayer. In fact, this "knowing" and "being known" in Christ and, through him, in the Holy Trinity, is none other than the most true and deep reality of prayer. The disciple who prays much, and who prays well, is progressively drawn out of him or herself and is evermore united to Jesus the Good Shepherd, he who is the selfless servant of the brethren.

Remember the Sabbath and Keep it Holy

golden chalice on table beside a priest in green chasuble

From the Holy Eucharist, the Ascended Christ is truly present among his adopted children and working in and through them in the power of the Holy Spirit. And in all her generations through twenty centuries, the Church Catholic -- despite the limitations and sinful errors of her clergy and laity alike -- she remains THE divine institution created and guided by the Almighty himself to spread the Good News of salvation in Christ throughout the world.

We Bring You the Good News

From morning to night, we are saturated with news. We look at our phones first thing in the morning to find out what went on while we were sleeping (just in case we missed something big!), and we conclude the day with scrolling through our phone just before going to bed (just in case we missed something even bigger!). We are, as a nation, massive consumers of so-called “news.”